Friday, March 19, 2010

The pole on the sidewalk...

While in Scottsdale we went to Old Scottsdale with our friends, Beth and Frank. Just as we got out of the car, we were walking down the sidewalk and looking to my right at Beth...All of a sudden..........BAM, I had walked right into a pole on the sidewalk! WTH? My sunglasses cut my eyelid. Jim was quick to the rescue cleaning the blood while I was laughing. I was just so flabbergasted that I had WALKED.INTO.A.POLE!! He thought I may need stitches at first, but he decided that I would not. This happened 4 weeks ago and my eye is still sore and there is small scab AND there is an ingrown hair where the cut was! Crazy! I was able to cover up the bruise with makeup and did not have to have people wonder if Jim had had enough of me! Ha!!

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