Thursday, March 08, 2012

Got poked again today...hahah

Jim says it sounds bad when I say that! 'acupuncture was some repeat locations and new ones. Stomach, back, and back of hands were repeats and new places were the inside of my elbows (that one was kind freaky but no pain...just pressure)...and she did one below and just behind my ears. Again, no pain, just pressure. We always start out with small was your week, what are you reading, etc. I told her it was a good week as far as projects go, but as far as food goes...not so good! She says I still need to be drinking more water...I try, I really try, but I've never drank much water. It's not that I drink sodas or tea or punch or lemonade or...I just don't drink much of anything!!! Never have, so it is a challenge to just remember to drink! She wants my pulses to get better(?), faster(?) don't remember, but they aren't like she wants them. So, I AM GONNA DRINK MORE WATER THIS WEEK!!!

Jim comes home tomorrow, so I've been trying to get stuff finished up around here. There is a home and garden show this weekend that I want to go to, so hopefully we'll get there and get some kitchen ideas!

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