Sunday, March 04, 2012


Jim was out of town this week and will still be gone this next week, soooo, I've been working on projects. I've just about finished the details on the remodeled bathroom. I had some old door knobs that I wanted to use for towel racks. I bought some wood, painted it, distressed it, sealed it and it was ready for the knobs. Well, that was a small challenge. We bought some 2 part epoxy to fill the holes with, but that failed 2 times. Hobby Lobby had a 2 part steel epoxy that said it could be drilled. BINGO, that is exactly what I was looking for. I mixed it up yesterday and crammed it down in the knob holes...oh, but first, I put tape around the knob so the epoxy wouldn't seep out the side hole. The original plan was to let the epoxy harden and then drill a hole in it for the hanger bolt. Well, this stuff is serious! It was hardening up fast enough that I was able to just go ahead and put the hanger bolt in before it had completely hardened. BAM! I let it sit over night and got back to it today. I drilled a hole in the wood and screwed the knobs in. The screw part was a little too long, so now I need to trim it off the back where it poked through. No big deal, tho.

I have had some serious stuff in the office to sort and file, so I have sorted it, but still have piles on the floor. Will get them filed away this week.

I've had some electrical work that I wanted done. Jim is a jack-of-all-trades, but he just doesn't have the time to tackle it all. I had an electrician come install a light in the dining room, move the fan/light to the office from the kitchen, install new light in kitchen, move the fan/light from our room to the spare room, install a new fan in our room and hang a night light on the wall on my side of the bed. Bam! Done!!

Today's project was to tea stain bed skirts. I've been looking for bed skirts for both beds but, can't find what I want. I found exactly IT online and ordered one for each bed. I washed the bed skirts first. Then, I put hot water in the washer and 15 tea bags, closed the lid and let it steep. After about an hour of steeping, I put the spare room bed skirt in there, pushed it all down into the tea water, closed the lid and let it soak. I took it out after a couple of hours and then spun the water out. I dried it and started the steeping process for our bed skirt. It has been dying for about 3 hours and I will take it out soon. They came out exactly what I wanted! I didn't iron the one for the spare bedroom to give it a different look from the one for our bed. I will have to wait for Jim to get home to help me put ours on.

It snowed a few days ago. This has been a really great winter as far as the weather is concerned. Well, that is unless you want ice and mass quantities of snow! Last year the snow stayed ALL WINTER LONG!!! This winter we've had 4-5 snowfalls, but it has all melted within a day or two. Here is a picture of the snow when the sun came out!

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