Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another day of needling

Today I went back for my 3rd session of acupuncture. It was an intense session since I will miss next week. She always checks my pulse on both hands, first, and sometimes several times before doing anything else. Today she started out with the Mugwort (yes, that's what it is, I asked today) on each forearm. Then she did my middle fingers near the cuticle followed by my stomach and then my back. The last thing she "burned and needled" was the palm of my hand. I was sweating thinking "damn, she's gonna stick a frickin' needle in the palm of my hand"!! This type of acupuncture is different from the previous type that I had. These needles are STUCK in until I either feel slight (not bad at all) pain or pressure. Sometimes I don't feel anything and she stays in there until I react. I found this video...

It shows how they put the Mugwort on (first she puts some chapstick on me...I think that is just so the Mugwort will stick to my skin). Then she lights it with an incense stick. It doesn't have a flame, rather it smolders. When it gets close to smoldering next to my skin, she pinches it off and goes to the exact opposite side and repeats this. This is done in about 12 places on my back, 6-8 on my stomach, one on my middle fingers, palm of my hands, and forearm.

Since my last session a week ago, I have not wanted chocolate or to snack! Weird! Strange! Just an experience for me that is rare...and I love it!

Jim and I are going to California next week for the annual PLCA conference. (last year we were in Maui!!) Jim needs some R&R and I hope he is able to get it!!

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