Monday, September 14, 2009

Icy Strait Point

This is actually in the town of Hoonah, but referred to as Icy Strait Point. The excursion for the day was a whale watch. I had planned, read, researched, made reservations, and completely organized this trip for us. Except...I did not know what time we were to go on the whale watch. When we could get an internet connection before arriving, I got their phone number and Jim called to find out. 7:30!! OMG. It was about 6:30 at that time, so we ate breakfast in the Windjammer and then quickly went down to deck 2. Because there is no dock, we had to take a tender (actually one of the life boats that holds 150 people) to shore. We got off the tender and found Theresa, captain Shawn's wife. She took us to the dock and we quickly boarded. There was another couple on the bus from Ontario, Jim and Annette Gordon. They were very nice people. Shawn took us about 15 miles from Hoonah and we started seeing humbacks and eagles. Some of the whales would swim directly towards our boat and be within 15 feet of us. It was so awesome. I've seen whales before in Hawaii, but never this close. Shawn would move the boat when the whales would get too close to us. We took lots and lots and lots of pictures. One of them was a tail that was slapping the water. I emailed this photo to Shawn after we returned and he posted it on his website! There was a bump in the rug on the boat and Daddy fell and hurt his shoulder. He nursed it the rest of the trip. When we were headed back to shore, Shawn was radioed that some orcas, killer whales, were seen. We quickly found them and got more photos. After getting off the boat, there was an eagle on a post at the dock. Jim took some really cool pictures of it sitting and then flying off. We walked around the shops at the dock and then took a tender back to the ship. Oh, I lost my sunglasses on the whale watch boat! I NEVER lose my sunglasses!! But, for some reason, I took an extra pair. Maybe I jinxed myself.


Care said...

Those are amazing photos Mrs. E! What lens were you using (18-250)? It looks like you got super close to those whales!!

Sandra said...

Carolyn, Thanks! It is a 70x300 lens (I'm pretty sure). I'll ask Jim.